There's been highs and there's been lows but Mass Effect truly is a legendary franchise and we can't wait for more.
I remember it like it was yesterday, Rob got Mass Effect for his Xbox and invited me over to see it.
I was mesmerised, never had a I had seen something as cool as Commander Shepard walking the halls of the Normandy preparing for his next mission on Eden Prime.
This game felt like a cinematic experience like no other, I was absolutely captivated.
Mass Effect went on to hold a place in our hearts as one of the best video games we've ever played. It was a space age opera that was truly a masterpiece.
Next came Mass Effect 2, the game that is still regarded by most fans as the best in the series.
My office graces a customised piece of art of Mass Effect 2 that contains the original Playstation 3 game disc. It remains one of my favourite games of all time.
The story and characters are one of the best examples of perfection in a videogame for me, it really is fantastic and I cannot recommend that gamers play this enough.
It was midnight release time when Rob and I drove around 4 supermarkets with a convoy of fellow gamers looking for a copy Mass Effect 3 on release day.
We managed to get our copies on Xbox and Playstation, the excitement was off the scale.
I remember putting 6 hours that morning, what a start to the game and I just couldn't get enough.
Bioware had tweaked the combat system and gameplay just that little bit to make it more immersive and boy was it fun. I was loving it.
Then came the ending.. I recall being bitterly disappointed by the end of Mass Effect 3, I hated the 'God child' and what felt like a really rushed 3 colour choice outcome. My best friends aboard the Normandy stranded or lost with no idea what happened to Garrus, Liara, Ashley and co. Where's Shepard? I was heartbroken.
I think Bioware very quickly realised they'd messed up and they soon announced the extended cut DLC. This didn't make up for the ending for me though and I left the franchise a little disappointed that all the events in the original game, ME2 and even leading up to the end in ME3 just didn't make any difference.
The ending was really quite crap.
Many have tried to defend Bioware but I think that any level headed and respectable gamer will agree that it was a particularly awful way to finish the franchise.
The citadel and Leviathan DLC's helped but it really seemed like it could have been so much better.
What I would have given for a Paragon save the Galaxy in an ultimate fight against Harbinger or the Illusive Man ending or a Renegade join with Cerberus and the Illusive man to control the reapers and wipe out the other races with a human dominated galaxy ending.
The ending of Kotor, Dragon Age and Jade Empire cheated me into thinking that this was what we would get in Mass Effect, boy was I mistaken.
That being said we have to give credit to Bioware for creating this franchise in the first place. Mass Effect is a wonderful example of incredible story writing, voice acting, graphics, gameplay and lore. It's a work of art from a number of extremely talented individuals at Bioware/EA and I am truly grateful for their work.
The video game industry would be a much lesser place without Mass Effect.
When I heard that EA were releasing a Legendary edition of the game I was ecstatic. To be able to play Mass Effect 2 again with updated graphics was a dream come true.
I was also delighted that new players could experience this wonderful story for the first time too.
Now I've put in over 200 hours on both the Playstation and PC version of the Legendary Edition. What a blast I've had and I CANNOT WAIT for the new Mass Effect game.
If you've not purchased Mass Effect Legendary edition I implore you to do so, you will not regret it! (just the ending of 3 maybe) ;-)
Thank you EA/Bioware for letting me experience this incredible story once again.
I know this legendary edition has surpassed your expectations in sales figures and I know why this is. The game is a gem.
All we need now is a KOTOR remake! Oh and the next Mass Effect game. One thing I think we've all learned however is that these things take time and deserve to be polished and made at the highest standard so we'll wait patiently until it's ready.
Andromeda got a lot of heat at launch but it wasn't an awful game, the combat system was excellent but it didn't quite have the 'feel' of Mass Effect.
Let's hope we can return to that in the new Mass Effect game. It was so good to see Liara in the trailer and I really do hope Shepard returns!
Fellow Mass Effect fans we salute you. Be sure to drop your thoughts in the comments section. What did you think of the LE, Andromeda etc. What do you most want from ME4?
Pick up your copy of Mass Effect Legendary Edition here: